Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Bottles

When my baby was born I tried to breastfeed but the baby wouldn't latch on correctly. So I decided to pump my milk and also supplement with baby formula. That meant that I had to use baby bottles. This was a crazy adventure. Some brands of newborn bottle nipples had enormous holes that made the baby drink too fast and get gas. Others had very small holes that made the baby suck and suck and no milk came out. And this made the baby tired, cranky and even more hungry.

I ended up spending lots of money trying many different types of bottles and nipples. I tried the cheap ones, the expensive ones, the mid-priced ones. I read tons of reviews online to see what people were using. Some raved about the complicated ones like Dr. Brown's. I tried those too and the baby didn't like them. I bought the glass ones but the nipples had huge holes. I even bought a funny looking one that only had two pieces. That didn't work either.

In conclusion, I ended up with Playtex Bottles with the disposable liners. They are easy to use and can be recycled. But the most important thing is that the baby likes them. So I guess it's up to the baby to decide which type of bottle he wants.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sleeping Through The Night

Last night my husband fed the baby around 7:30 pm. The baby was happy and smiling at us after his belly was full. It was a normal evening. A little later I bathed the baby and put him in his crib like usual. He was still awake when I put him in his crib. He spent a good 15 minutes mesmerized with his animal mobile and the music it plays. And of course, a pacifier in his mouth. Then slowly but surely, he fell asleep. This is about the only ME time I get. The time when I can take a shower, or do anything just for me.
I ended up going to sleep around 10:30 pm knowing in the back of my mind that I would be awaken around 1:00 or 2:00 am for a feeding. I woke up around midnight to check on him. He was sleeping. So I went back to sleep. Then before I knew it, 5:00 am came. Wow! I got to sleep. To me, if I sleep more than three hours in a row, I consider myself lucky. He woke up hungry and I felt so happy to feed him because I had some sleep. I hope tonight it's the same for us. I haven't had a normal sleep night in months.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Gifts in the mail

My baby is 12 weeks this week. He seems to grow by the hour. Everyday is a new adventure and I'm loving it. I also love the free gifts in the mail that are just for the baby. Today I received a package of some nice diapers. They are the new Huggies pure and natural. I tried them on the baby and absolutely love them. I think I'm going to do some research on these and maybe buy some the next time I go shopping.