Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Word

The most exciting thing happened today. My baby actually waved bye bye as he said 'aba'. He did this many times so it wasn't a coincidence. I had been teaching him to wave bye bye for a few weeks now and he was able to do it. Today, he surprised us with the actual word. What a great feeling!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Six Months Old

My baby just got his six-months vaccinations. Everything went well at his check up. He is finally able to sit up on his own. He turns on his back and is able to travel across the room by turning on either side. He's also eating solids twice a day.

It's amazing how active he has become. He grabs everything in sight and inevitably ends up in his mouth. I am enjoying every minute I spend with him. Time seems to be flying by.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Baby Play Mat

Today I made a baby-play-mat all by myself. Now that baby can roll over and is beginning to move around more, I thought he needed more room than his tiny, store-bought play mat. So I went to the fabric store and purchased 2 yards of a cute quilted fabric with puppies on it. The other two yards was a simple green color. I also purchased some padding for the middle.

It was simple to make. I just sewed up three sides of the two pieces of fabric with the right side up facing each other. Then I turned the fabric right side up and inserted the padding. Finally I stitched up the last of the sides. And that's it. It is beautiful, comfortable and the baby loves turning over to touch the puppy.