Sunday, January 17, 2010

Baby Teeth at Last

This week I finally see baby teeth coming in. The baby hasn't seemed cranky or feverish. The only thing I have noticed is that several teeth are coming out both on the top and bottom. All at once! That's a first for me. Well, the good thing is that the baby's teeth are finally here.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 months

My baby is 10 months today and still has no teeth. He is extremely active and crawls so fast it's hard to keep up with him. He is able to stand up while holding on to a furniture piece. He also is able to take a few steps but only when he holds on to something. He is a handful. One day I let him crawl up the stairs to see if he was able. And he was! Yikes! He's also very verbal. His 'baby talk' is so adorable. We have long conversations. Time sure seems to fly when it comes to him.